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Venn diagrams and Set Notation

Interactive practice questions

Consider the given Venn diagram.

Two overlapping circles create a Venn diagram with numbers placed in various sections. On the left, circle A contains the numbers 5, 4, and 1 outside the overlapping area. The right circle, labeled B, contains the numbers 7 and 14 outside the overlapping area. The overlapping section between circles A and B contains the numbers 11 and 6. The number 10 and 12 is placed outside both circles.

List the elements that belong in the set $A'$A.


List the elements that belong in the set $B'$B.


Consider the given Venn diagram.


Consider the given Venn diagram.

< 1min

$P$P and $Q$Q are sets of flower varieties.

$P$P$=$={roses, lilies and daisies}

$Q$Q$=$={lilies and sunflowers}

There are no other flower varieties in universal set $E$E.

< 1min
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