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GCSE Foundation Revision Test 1 (calc)

Interactive practice questions

What number is represented by the point on the number line?


A horizontal number line with major tick marks labeled at $-10$10, $-5$5, $0$0, $5$5, and $10$10. Between each labeled major tick, there are four minor tick marks indicating $1$1 unit increments. There are also two minor tick marks on the left of $-10$10 and to the right of $10$10. A point is plotted $8$8 units to the right of 0, represented by a filled diamond.
< 1min

What number is $8$8 units to the right of the point marked on the number line?

< 1min

Three items weighing $3.41$3.41 kg, $2.58$2.58 kg and $5.79$5.79 kg are to be posted but are found to be overweight. By how much does the total weight exceed the $11.38$11.38 kg limit?


A survey was conducted on how many people go to the zoo by bus every week. They recorded this data on a picture graph shown here. Use the key and the graph to answer the questions below.

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