The sum of two integers is $70$70.
If one of the integers is $29$29, what is the other integer?
Let one of the integers be $x$x. Write an expression for the other integer.
Hence write an expression for the product $y$y of the two integers. Give your answer in expanded form.
When $x=35$x=35, what is the product of the two integers?
When $x=35$x=35, does this result in the largest possible product?
A rectangular enclosure is to be built for an animal. Zookeepers have $26$26 metres of fencing, but they want to maximise the area of the enclosure.
Let $x$x be the width of the enclosure.
A cube has a side length of $7$7 cm and a mass of $1715$1715 g. The mass of the cube is directly proportional to the cube of its side length.
A rectangle is such that its length is $2$2 times its width.
Let $A$A represent the area of the rectangle and $w$w represent its width.