Sometimes more than one linear equation is needed to create a linear model for a given situation. Piecewise graphs are formed by two or more graphs. When a piecewise linear graph has no gaps or breaks, where all the lines are connected to one another, it creates a continuous piecewise function.
A domain is given for each individual graph in a piecewise function. For continuous piecewise functions, each domain gives you information on where the graphs intersect.
If the domain wasn't given for each graph, the point of intersection would need to be found by letting equation 1 equal equation 2 and solving for x.
\displaystyle 3x + 3 | \displaystyle = | \displaystyle -x+7 |
\displaystyle 4x | \displaystyle = | \displaystyle 4 |
\displaystyle 4 | \displaystyle = | \displaystyle 1 |
Since both lines intersect when x = 1, this means line 1 has the domain x \leq 1 and line 2 has the domain x > 1.
Consider the following piecewise relationship.
y = \begin{cases} 2 & \text{when } x \lt 0 \\ x + 2 & \text{when } x \gt 0 \end{cases}
Draw the piecewise graph.
What is the function definition of the graph?
Piecewise graphs are formed by two or more graphs. A piecewise linear function is made up of line segments of various linear graphs.
We use filled and hollow circles to indicate whether a point is included at the end of each line segment.
We can define a piecewise function using an function equation of the form:y = \begin{cases} ⬚ &\text{if } ⬚ \leq x \leq ⬚ \\ ⬚ &\text{if } ⬚ \leq x \leq ⬚ \\ ⬚ & \text{if } ⬚ \lt x \leq ⬚ \\ ... \end{cases}
A step graph is formed by two or more horizontal lines. A step graph is a type of piecewise graph where the lines do not join one another, as parallel lines never intersect one another. So when moving from left to right along a horizontal line, the graph will either step up or step down to a different horizontal line.
What is the value of y when x=0? Does it equal -1,\, 1 or perhaps some value in between? The answer lies in the given domains. The graph y=-1 has the domain x \leq 0, which means that x is less than or equal to o. So this domain includes x=0. Whereas the graph y=1 has the domain x>0, which means that x is greater than 0. This domain does not include x=0. Therefore when x=0, \, y=-1 and not 1.
Consider the following piecewise graph.
State the equation for x>3.
State the equation for x \leq 3.
A step graph is formed by two or more horizontal lines. A step graph is a type of piecewise graph where the lines do not join one another, as parallel lines never intersect one another. So when moving from left to right along a horizontal line, the graph will either step up or step down to a different horizontal line.
Sometimes when attempting to create a linear model that describes a relationship between two variables, one linear model is not enough. As one (independent) variable changes, it's relationship to the other (dependent) variable may also change. When this occurs, piecewise functions and step graphs can be used, so that multiple linear models can be applied to the one real-life scenario.
The line graph shows the amount of petrol in a car’s tank.
How much petrol was initially in the tank?
What happened at 9 am and 1 pm?
How much petrol was used between 1 pm and 5 pm?
To the nearest hour, when did the petrol in the tank first fall below 18 litres?
The graph shows the cost of sending parcels of various weight overseas:\text{Postal Charges}
Find the cost of sending a letter weighing 100 grams.
Find the cost of sending a letter weighing 300 grams.
What is the heaviest letter that can be sent for \$2?
Piecewise functions can be useful to model scenarios where the relationship between the variables changes over time. Such as speed over a long journey, amount of money in a bank account.